Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Winter must haves

Evo,danas je prvi decembar.Za mene je od danas zima,iako kalendarski gledano,ona dolazi malo kasnije,prvi sneg u mojoj zemlji kaze upravo drugacije!
Posto je doslo do smene godisnjih doba,smatram da je pravo vreme za moj sezonski post!



Today is first december. For me,winter officialy started,thou according to calendar it starts much later,but the first snow in my country says it diferently!
Because of the seasonal change,i think it is perfect time for my seasonal post!

let's get started!

1. Vreme je za dzempere - sweater weather

Napokon je ono doba u godini kada mozemo da nosimo nase omiljene  vunene dzempercice i da ne izgledamo ludo! Ove godine dzemperi su stvarno u trendu,pa cemo i mi ali i nase bake biti zadovoljni - izgledacemo fantasticno,a bice nam i toplo!

Ne postoji neko specificno pravilo,ili specificni trend....sem mozda oxsford,pametnog,ali u trendu su i dalje veliki dzemperi,tako da ne treba da brinete.

uzivajte i neka vam bude toplo!

Finaly it's that time of the year when we can wear our favorite wooly goodies and not look crazy! This year they are really in trend,so we and our granny's will finnaly be happy- we will look gorgeous and will be warm,it's a win win situation!!

There is no specific fashion rule you should follow...hmmm... well the trend is oxford,smart way of wearing them,but you can wear you gigantic sweater and you will def. be trendy!

so enjoy and be warm!

2. Kozne rukavice - leather gloves

Ova godina je, u modnom smislu, definitivno obelezena kozom,odnosno odevnim predmetima od koze.
Predhodnih godina,moram priznati,nisam primecivala da se nose kozne rukavice,a za njih se zna da su modni imperativ,glamurozne i damske. Ove godine se NE vracaju na velika vrata,one se polako,sigurnim korakom vracaju na scenu na zadnja vrata - sto znaci da mozete biti medju prvim koje ce ovaj modni dodatak "prosetati"

Ja volim moje crne rukavice,one me zagrejavaju u hladnim , snezim zimskim danima

ps. ne preporucujem da se grudvate sa njima na rukama.


This year,in fashion atleast, is def. marked by leather, leather clothes and accesories.
Last few years,i have to mention,i didn't notice that the leather gloves were woren that much,wich surprised me,i have to admit,because they are fashion rule,epitemy of ladylike fashion and glamour.
They are NOT comming back with a big bang,they are taking it slow! - wich means that you can be the one who wore it first!

i love my  black leather gloves,they keep me warm in cold and snowy days

ps. i do not reccomend that you go on snow ball fights with them on your hands.

3.  Vunene kape - beanies

Dobra stara,i po volji one nase bake !
Sreca bakina pa se vuna ove zime naveliko nosi!
O vunenoj kapi mogu samo da vam kazem,da  dolazi u raznim stilovima,bojama,sa raznim dodacima... jednostavno je ima za svakog!


Good old beanie,wich will please our granny's!
Luckilly for our granny's beanies are a fashion must have for this year,and winter!
About beanies i don't have much to say,it comes in all shapes,sizes,colores,with all sort's of accesories... simply it is made for everyone!

4.  zimske cizme - winter  boots

Sta reci?
za hladno zimsko vreme moramo misliti  na prakticnost... a tu na scenu stupaju razni stilovi zimskih cizmi,savrsenih za klizave snezne dane.
Zimske cizme su odavno prestale da budu ruzne,istilizovane su do maximuma i ima ih po svacijem ukusu - cak ima i onih sa stiklom


what can we say?
for cold winter days we must be practical too... and there on the scene are comming all sorts of  boots,perfect for cold,slipery,snowy days!
 they are now silized to maximum,and everybody can find a pair for them and their afinitys.

5. zimske jakne- winter jackets

6. krzno- fur coats

7. velike torbe- big bags

Pored toga sto su u trendu,veoma su prakticne , pogotovo za zimske dane


they are trendy and very practical

8.  -kanadjanke-timberlandas

one su must have GODINE...sto mi daje ideju


they are must have of the YEAR...wich gives me a idea

9. vuneni salovi- wooly scarfs

10. dokolenice-knee high socks

novitet na sceni trendova. Savrsena za festivne dane kada nosite suknje i haljine.


new on trend scene. perfect for festive days when you wear skirts and dresses

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