Tuesday, November 19, 2013

let's walk our oxford walk

U ovom postu zelim da se osvrnem na moju opsesiju popularnim "oxfordicama"

Otkrila sam ih pre dve- tri godine,ali moram da priznam da ih nisam nesto "mirisala" - da li zbog toga sto su postale jedan od vodecih trendova u Srbiji,pa su se mogle videti fakticki na svakoj devojci (!) ili zbog neceg drugog... ne znam,ono sto znam je da sam od prosle zime,pa sve do ove opsednuta njima!

Prvi put sam ih zapazila u svom punom sjaju kada sam bila u totalnoj besparici ! Prolazila sam pored "metroa" i kao magijom obasjane ugledala taj prelepi par koznih oxsfordica na stiklicu! Utrcala sam u radnju (ne,nisam stvarno utrcala ,usetala sam - sve zbog dramaticnosti) i odmah nasla iste u mom broju! Moje iskustvo sa stiklama i nije naj bolje, uvek su mi neudobne i bla,bla, ali ove prelepotice su bile (oh) tako udobne! *plus,stajale su mi k'o salivene ;)
Kao sto rekoh,nisam imala novca da ih kupim tada,ali brze bolje sam otrcala (ne,nisam stvarno trcala,pronasla sam svoj auto na parkingu i odvezla se) do mame i zaduzila se kod nje (ponovo).

Neverovatno su udobne,prakticne i oh tako moderne!

Od tada,od kada kupih svoje prve oxfordice,kupila sam jos bar 3 para slicnih! (jedne sa visom,jedne sa nizom,a jedne bez stikle)

Dolaze u svim oblicima, velicinama i bojama, tako da nema sanse da ne nadjes savrsen par za tebe!

Ja moje oxfordice volim da nosim u opustenoj varijanti, sa farmerkama,koznom jaknom ili kaputicem,majcom ili dzemperom, ali nosim ih i na malo svecaniji nacin sa haljinicama i takoo...


In this post i will talk about my obssesion with oxford shoes! 

I first "met" them 2 or 3 year's ago,but i have to confess i didn't fancy them then...maybe because they become absolute trend in my country? every girl had them... i don't work that way - so i acctualy hated them!
But from the last winter to now,i have to say that i am absolutly obssesed with them!

First time i actualy paid any attention to them,was the time i was tottaly BROKE *gee !
I was passing by one store,and noticed this pair of leathery goods in window! I felt for the first time like they were pretty! I HAD TO TRY THEM ON! So i rushed in to the store and found a pair in my size!
Oh they were SO comfortable... i can't even describe.
My exp. with high heels is not that good. All the heels i had were extremly uncomfortable! But this pair...they were perfect!
But i could't buy them! i didn't had any money! So i rushed to my mum's home and bargened some money !

They are so practical,comfortable and oh so modern.

since my first pair of oxsfords, i acctualy bought at least 3 pairs more (one pair with shorter,one with higher and one without heels)

They come in all shapes,sizes and colores so there is no way you won't find the perfect pair four yourself!

I like to wear my oxford's casualy with jeans,leather jackets or coats,with printed t-shirt or jumpers,but i wear them also in more elegant ocasions with dresses and such stuff....

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